First Aid

What Is in a Basic First Aid Kit

Ricky Kambray
Ricky Kambray

What is in a basic first aid kit? You might have to respond quickly in an emergency, so it’s essential to know what’s in your basic first aid kit and how to treat various injuries.

A disease or injury can impact you or someone around you at any time. You can stop a minor accident from worsening by performing some simple first aid. You can also save a life in a critical medical emergency. 

Learning the fundamentals of first aid is crucial for this reason. 

So without further ado, let’s discover what is contained in a basic first-aid kit!


What is in a Basic First Aid Kit?

Your first aid needs assessment should be the basis for your kit’s contents. It should be simple to locate first aid kits, typically in green boxes with white crosses.


A young man packing bag with first aid kit and other essentials things


So now let’s dive into our main topic today: What is in a basic first aid kit?

Here are the basic first-aid kits and instructions on when to use each item:

Wound Dressings

The most practical bandage is one with dressing pads attached. They are perfect for an emergency because they are easy to use.

Different kinds of wound dressings include:

  • Sterile wound dressing. 
  • Sterile eye pad.
  • Sterile pad.
  • Fabric plasters.
  • Waterproof plasters.


Various medical supplies and equipment can be seen inside, such as scissors, adhesive bandages, gauze pads and alcohol pads


Adhesive Dressings or Plasters

These can be used on minor wounds and grazes and are constructed of cloth or waterproof plastic. You have to use blue plasters if you work with food. To keep blisters safe, apply gel plasters.


Adhesive plasters with various shapes including rectangles and circles


These are some examples of sticky dressings or plasters:

  • Clear plasters.
  • Blue catering plasters.
  • Gel blister plasters.

Roller Bandages

These helps support injured joints, reduce swelling, keep pressure on wounds, and keep dressings in place.

Some examples of roller bandages are:

  • Conforming roller bandage.
  • Open-weave roller bandage.
  • Support roller bandage.
  • Self-adhesive bandage.

A medical roller bandage in blue background


Triangular Bandages

These can be folded into bandages or slings and are made of cloth. They can be used as bandages for significant wounds and burns if they are individually wrapped and sterile.

A doctor bandaging a patient's hand with triangular bandage

Tubular Bandages

Applying the tubular gauze bandage to the injury with a specific applicator secures the toes and finger dressings. Elasticised tubular bandages can support damaged joints like the elbow or knee.

A child's feet having tubular bandage

Protection Against Infection

A plastic face shield or pocket mask can help keep you from getting the patient’s illness if you’re giving rescue breaths to a patient.

A doctor holding a black surgical mask


Additional Items

  •  Wipes: For cleansing the skin around a wound.
  •  Gauze pads: Can be used as swabs or cushioning to clean the area around wounds.
  •  Adhesive tape: To secure bandages’ loose ends or retain dressings.
  •  Scissors: To access a wound, you can cut bandages, sticky tape, or someone’s clothing.

 Aluminium blanket: Used to help maintain body heat.

A first aid kit, stethoscope, bandages, medicines, thermometer on a black background


Reminder: Keep an eye on your kit. Many things, especially sterile ones, have expiration dates marked on them. Replace expired items to dispose of them properly.

Customise Your Kit

A first aid box full of first aid medicines and equipment


When building a first-aid kit, consider your family’s medical requirements. For example:

  • If you have a relative who has a severe allergy, bring antihistamines and an adrenaline injector.
  • If you have elderly family members with sensitive skin, the paper tape can protect it.
  • If you or a family member has diabetes, bring a juice box, glucose tablets, gels, and an emergency glucagon injection kit.
  • If they are not aspirin allergic, chewable baby aspirin may be helpful for someone with coronary artery disease.

A tourist Woman sitting on a sea beach and holding a red medical kit with the image of a cross


First Aid As a Practical Skill

A first-aid kit is a tool, but the effectiveness of any tool depends on the user.

First-aid kits can mix practical knowledge and specific needs. In addition to gathering items, there are other ways to prepare for emergencies, such as by learning valuable skills to protect others and yourself.

Many skills are simple to pick up. Some require specialised instruction. Developing practical skills entails learning how to:

  • Perform CPR.
  • Utilise an AED.
  • Use a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.
  • Provide first aid for seizures.
  • Make use of a first aid kit’s items.

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A green first aid box full of medicines on an wooden table


In summary, you can respond to injuries and crises successfully with the help of a well-stocked first-aid kit. A first-aid kit should always be kept in the house and the automobile.

Store your kits in a convenient place that is out of young children’s reach. Ensure children old enough to understand the kits’ purpose are kept informed of where the kits are kept.

Many pharmacies sell first-aid kits, or you can put one together yourself. Your needs and interests may determine how you should customise your kit. We hope this article has answered all your questions about what is in a basic first aid kit.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

Q: What are 5 items in an emergency kit?

Five items in an emergency kit are a flashlight, a whistle, a dust mask, a manual can opener, and a battery- or hand-powered radio.

Q: How many items should be in a first aid box?

According to Walker safety, a first aid pack should have twenty sterile plasters, two sterile eye pads, six safety pins, and two sterile triangle bandages separately wrapped.

Q: What should not be in a first aid kit?

According to HSE, tablets and medications are advised not to be put in the first-aid kit.

Q: What are the 3 most important parts of first aid?

Preserving life, preventing deterioration, and promoting recovery are the three most essential parts of first aid, sometimes referred to as the three P’s of first aid. 

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Ricky Kambray

Hey this is Ricky Kambray an award-winning first-aid trainer with over 20 years of healthcare and teaching expertise. Highly certified general nurse regularly appears in the press discussing accident prevention and first aid advice.