Food Hygiene and Safety

How to Store Different Types of Cheese

Ricky Kambray
Ricky Kambray

Are you a cheese lover? Do you enjoy exploring different types of cheese and savouring their unique flavours? But have you ever faced the disappointment of discovering that your favourite cheese has gone bad? Well, we’ve all been there! But don’t worry, with proper knowledge of how to store different types of cheese, you can avoid the heartbreak of spoiled cheese.

In this write-up, we will discuss the different types of cheese and provide practical tips on how to store them without spoiling. Whether you prefer cheddar, brie, or feta, this guide will help you keep your cheese fresh for longer, so you can enjoy it to the fullest.

First, understanding the different kinds of cheese is crucial for proper storage, as each kind requires different storage conditions to prevent spoilage and maintain its flavour and texture.

Let’s get started without further adieu.

 Close-up of the variety of cheeses on table

Different Types of Cheese

Cheese comes in many different varieties, each with its own unique flavour, texture, and aroma. Below are some of the most renowned types of cheese:

Hard Cheese

Hard cheeses are firm and crumbly in texture because they are aged for a long time. They have a sharp, nutty flavour and are often grated or shaved. Examples include Parmesan, Cheddar, and Gouda.

Soft Cheese

Soft cheese has a creamy texture and a mild, buttery flavour, often spreadable and served as an appetiser or dessert cheese. Examples include Brie, Camembert, and Goat Cheese.

Blue Cheese

Blue cheese has a unique blue-green veining and a pungent, salty flavour and is frequently utilised as a topping or dressing for salads. Some popular examples of blue cheese are Roquefort, Gorgonzola, and Stilton.

Fresh Cheese

Fresh cheese has a soft, spreadable texture with a mild, tangy flavour, often used in dips, spreads, and as a topping for pizzas. Examples include Ricotta, Cream Cheese, and Cottage Cheese.

Semi-Hard Cheese

Semi-hard cheese has a smooth, firm texture with a mild to strong flavour, often used as melting cheese and in sandwiches. Examples include Swiss, Provolone, and Gouda.

Washed-Rind Cheese

Washed-rind cheese has a soft, creamy texture and a pungent, earthy flavour, often washed with brine or alcohol during the ageing process, giving them its distinct flavour and aroma. Examples include Munster, Limburger, and Taleggio.

Hard and Crumbly Cheese

Hard and crumbly cheese is dry and crumbly in texture with a sharp, nutty flavour, often grated or shaved and utilised as a topping for pasta dishes. Examples include Parmigiano-Reggiano, Pecorino Romano, and Grana Padano.

These are just a few of the many types of cheese available, and each has its own unique taste and texture. Knowing the type of cheese you have will help determine the best way to store it. 

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The four types of food contamination include physical, chemical, biological, and allergenic. Let’s learn about each type which poses different risks to food safety and requires specific measures to prevent and address them effectively.

Front view of delicious fresh cheese

How to Store Cheese

Here are some tips on storing different types of cheese to keep them fresh and delicious. So, let’s explore the best ways to store cheese in detail:

Hard Cheese

  • Hard cheese should be stored in the refrigerator in a separate container or wrapped in wax paper or cheese paper to prevent it from drying out.
  • Avoid storing hard cheese in plastic wraps or bags, as this leads to moisture buildup and mould growth.
  • Keep hard cheese away from strong-smelling foods as it can easily absorb odours.

It’s important to note that hard cheese should be let to come to room temperature before serving for the best flavour and texture. Remove the cheese from the refrigerator 30 minutes to an hour before serving to let it warm up.

Soft Cheese

Soft cheese is generally more perishable than hard cheese, so it is important to store it properly to prevent spoilage.

  • Place it in its original packaging or wrap it in wax paper or cheese paper: This will help stop the cheese from drying out and protect it from odours in the fridge.
  • Store it in the warmest part of the refrigerator: Soft cheese should be kept at a slightly warmer temperature compared to hard cheese. A good place to store it is in the vegetable drawer or on the top shelf of the fridge.
  • Keep it away from moisture. Soft cheese can absorb moisture easily, so it’s important to avoid storing it near any damp or wet items.
  • Consume it within a few days of purchase. Unlike hard cheese, soft cheese has a shorter shelf life and can spoil quickly. Make sure to eat it within a few days of purchase to ensure its freshness.

Blue cheese placed on paper sheet with cherry and rosemary side by side

Blue Cheese

  • Wrap the blue cheese in cheese paper or aluminium foil. This will help keep the cheese moist and prevent it from drying out. Avoid plastic wraps or bags, as these can trap moisture and promote mould growth.
  • Store the blue cheese in the refrigerator. Place the wrapped cheese in a container or on a plate and store it in the coldest area of the refrigerator, usually the back of the shelf.
  • Keep the blue cheese away from strong-smelling foods. Blue cheese can easily absorb odours, so it’s important to store it away from other strong-smelling foods.
  • Blue cheese can last several weeks in the refrigerator if stored properly, but it’s best to use it within a few weeks for optimal flavour and freshness.

Fresh Cheese

  • Fresh cheese is often sold in a container filled with liquid, such as whey or brine, to help preserve its freshness. It is best to store the cheese in this liquid as it helps to keep the cheese moist and fresh.
  • If the cheese is not in its original packaging, store it in an airtight container filled with salt water. This will help maintain the cheese’s moisture level and prevent it from drying out.
  • Fresh cheese should be stored in the refrigerator, ideally in the fridge’s warmest part, such as the vegetable drawer or on the top shelf. Ensure the temperature in the refrigerator is between 34-40°F.
  • Fresh cheese has a short shelf life, so it should be consumed within a few days of purchase. Notice the expiration date on the package and plan to use the cheese before it expires.
  • If the cheese has become dry or has lost some of its moisture, you can rehydrate it by soaking it in cold water for a few minutes. This will help to restore the cheese’s texture and flavour.

No matter your role – be it a supervisor, manager, chef, teacher, care worker, business owner in the food industry, or barista – ensuring food safety is a shared responsibility. This includes understanding storage techniques to prevent spoilage, like with various cheese types. The Food Safety Training Course caters to all these roles and more. It’s not just about the course itself; it’s about every individual having the knowledge to maintain food safety. This training equips everyone, regardless of background, with the skills to contribute to safe food practices.

Semi-Hard Cheese

  • Semi-hard cheese should be stored in the refrigerator in a separate container or wrapped in wax or cheese paper.
  • Keep semi-hard cheese away from strong-smelling foods, as it can easily absorb odours.
  • Semi-hard cheese can last for several weeks if stored properly.

Washed-Rind cheese

    • Store washed-rind cheese in the refrigerator in a container or wrap it in cheese paper or wax paper.
    • It’s best to consume washed-rind cheese within a few days of purchase.
    • Keep washed-rind cheese away from strong-smelling foods to prevent it from absorbing odours.
    • Take washed-rind cheese out of the refrigerator at least an hour before serving to allow it to come to room temperature and enhance its flavours.
  • Observe the cheese regularly for any signs of mould or spoilage, and discard it if necessary.

Hard and Crumbly Cheese

    • Store hard cheese in the refrigerator in a separate container or wrap it in wax paper/cheese paper.
    • Avoid storing in plastic wrap/bags.
    • Keep away from strong-smelling foods to prevent odour absorption.
  • Best consumed within 3-4 weeks of opening.

So, this blog is all about storing different types of cheese properly to prevent them from going bad. But at its heart, it’s about making sure our food stays safe. And when we learn about keeping cheese fresh, it reminds us to be just as careful with other foods, especially if you’re running a food business. If you’re a food business owner, understanding “What is Due Diligence in Food Safety?” is super important. It’s like a key to keeping your customers safe and your business strong. This concept helps you realise how taking careful steps ensures the food you make or sell is safe, which keeps your customers happy and your business reputation solid.

Discover how to protect your business and customers from food safety risks by reading our latest blog post on What is Due Diligence in Food Safety?

Close-up of handwriting inscription dos and don'ts with marker

Do’s & Don’ts of Cheese Storage

  • Do not freeze cheese, as it can change the texture and flavour of the cheese.
  • Keep cheese in the refrigerator between 34-38°F (1-3°C).
  • Label your cheese with the date and type of cheese to track how long it has been stored.
  • Avoid storing cheese in plastic wraps or bags, as it can cause moisture to build up and lead to mould growth.
  • Do not store different types of cheese together, as they can easily absorb each other’s flavours and aromas.
  • Do not leave the cheese out at room temperature for too long, as bacteria can grow quickly and cause the cheese to spoil.
  • Avoid microwaving cheese, as it can cause it to become rubbery and lose flavour.
  • If you have leftover cheese, wrap it tightly in wax or cheese paper and store it in the refrigerator.
  • When in doubt, smell and visually inspect the cheese before consuming. Immediately discard if it smells off or has mould growth.

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Wrapping Up

Knowing how to store various types of cheese is crucial in preventing spoilage and preserving their unique flavour and texture. By following these storage tips, you can enjoy your favourite cheeses for longer periods without compromising their quality. So go ahead and indulge in your love for cheese, knowing that you have the knowledge to keep them fresh and delicious!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to store block cheese after opening?

After opening, you should store block cheese in the refrigerator in airtight packaging, such as a plastic wrap or a resealable bag, to prevent moisture loss and absorption of odours.

How to store Boursin cheese?

To store Boursin cheese, keep it refrigerated in an airtight container or resealable bag to preserve its freshness and prevent it from absorbing other food odours. Ensure the container is appropriately sealed to preserve the cheese’s flavour and texture.

How to store cake with cream cheese frosting? 

After making a cake with cream cheese frosting, it should be refrigerated within two hours after you’ve made it, and to serve it after chilling, only remove the slices you plan to serve from the refrigerator instead of the whole cake.


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Ricky Kambray

Hey this is Ricky Kambray an award-winning first-aid trainer with over 20 years of healthcare and teaching expertise. Highly certified general nurse regularly appears in the press discussing accident prevention and first aid advice.