Functional Skills

How to Get Better at Maths?

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Maths is a fascinating field to study, but no one can deny that it is also one of the most challenging subjects to master. It is a combination of science and general study and requires a lot of effort to excel.

If you have a keen interest in studying maths and want to know how to get better at maths, then you can take plenty of concrete steps to boost your maths if you struggle with it. To become better at maths, you have to start your practice quickly.

Do not take the stress. This blog shares the different aspects of maths and tells you how to get better at maths.

colourful numbers with mathematical stationeries

Why are Maths Skills Important?

There are many reasons why maths skill is essential. Among them-

  • Universal language: Maths is understood throughout the world. However, an equation does not need to be translated into another language. For example, 2 + 2 = 4 is the same as every place on Earth.
  • Helps us have better problem-solving skills: A study from Stanford University has stated that children who are good at maths show vital cognitive tasks. This part of the brain part is used for visual attention and decision-making. Maths also enriches analytical thinking and reasoning abilities, helping us think logically in any situation, identify problems, knowns and unknowns, and take steps to solve the problem.
  • Makes you a better cook: Maths assists in cooking by measuring the ingredients correctly. For example, you can quickly deduce a half-cup of flour or eight tablespoons of sugar. With mathematical skills, you can adequately measure ingredients for a particular dish according to dining requirements.
  • Help you in any career: Mathematicians and scientists use mathematical equations every day. They rely on mathematical principles of their work, such as test hypotheses. Maths is science also which many terms and rules of equations. Basic arithmetic is used in factory assembly lines, accounting, software development, construction, the medical field, etc. Most jobs require maths because you need to know how to interpret your paycheck and balance your budget.

colourful letters and numbers in a shopping cart on green background


  • Helps you tell time: A recent study has shown that 4 out of 5 children living in Oklahoma City cannot read the hands-on analogue clock time to speak. Knowing maths, and particularly fractions assists you in tracking your time better. However, analogue clocks may eventually become obsolete. Do not let your ability to tell time become outdated! Instead, use your knowledge of fractions, which helps you to tell time.
  • Maths helps your finances: Maths can help balance your budget to ensure your costs. It is an important life skill that requires it to subtract balances, savings, debt, monthly budget and expenses.
  • Field of Science and Technology: Mathematics and science are correlated, especially in astronomy, chemistry, and physics. Those Students who do not know basic arithmetics struggle to read scientific graphs and charts. Even complex maths like algebra, geometry, and calculus help students solve complicated physics problems and analyse scientific studies. Mathematics also plays a vital role in practical sciences, like computer science and engineering.

An enthusiastic teacher holding a triangle ruler


How to Get Better at Maths?

To get better at maths, you need to practice more and more. Teachers need to ensure that each student practices until attaining fluency in maths. Remember, before solving the previous problem, do not switch to the next one.
To get better, you can-

  • Believe that you can learn
  • Take your education into your own hands
  • Master the fundamentals of arithmetic
  • Make sure you understand the topic before moving to other
  • Take detailed notes in maths classes
  • Think in pictures
  • Solve Extra Problems
  • Practice more
  • Change word problems up
  • Collect past practice questions
  • Construct a mock exam
  • Take maths-related quiz
  • Apply to real life
  • Study online

According to WikiHow, the three methods of getting better at maths,

  • “Listen closely and take detailed notes during maths class. If you have any questions, raise your hand or talk to your teacher after class.
  • Before doing homework, review your class notes to solidify the information. Complete your homework on time so you’ll be ready for the next class.
  • Start studying for an upcoming exam 3-4 days in advance. Plan to study for about 60 minutes each day so you’re fully prepared.”

If you have a maths problem at school, you can get extra help by talking to a teacher. Finding free online tutoring sites or taking practical maths training courses. Even tutors can give you tips to break down complex equations and show you how to solve problems.

A student doing calculations on a blackboard

Improve Your Maths Skills from Beginner Level

Practice is the best option to improve your maths skills. Avoid a calculator for every problem you encounter. In addition to this, there are other noteworthy ways to improve basic maths skills for a beginner:

  1. Use maths workbooks: Maths workbooks provide a sample of solutions, problems, rules, instructions, and advice on how to complete the answers. If you find challenges in a particular topic, look for a workbook focusing on that maths skill.
  2. Your basic maths skills: Whatever you practice always keep attention to your basic maths skills. You can also use other advanced theories to polish the fundamental aspects of mathematics. Do some online courses for accreditation.
  3. Take a class: You can take maths classes online and typically in-person at local colleges and learning centres. Maths classes provide the advantage of more detailed instruction and the ability to ask questions about a confusing topic.
  4. Ask for help: You can ask for help from those with strong maths skills, such as your friends, family members, and co-workers. They can provide a new angle which can be more relatable than a formal instructor. You can also hire a home tutor or can do online sessions.
  5. Focus on Understanding Concepts: You can memorise formulas and rules to solve maths problems. But it doesn’t mean that you understand the underlying concepts of that maths. Instead, it makes more complex to solve the issues and nearly impossible to absorb new information quickly. So take some time to understand why you are doing it? What can help your maths skills immensely?
  6. Go Over New Concepts and Practice Problems: Jumping directly into solving problems creates frustration and confusion. Before completing any assignments, you should practice previous problems that your teachers assign. It helps you a chance to absorb what you’re learning.
  7. Solve Extra Problems: If you are struggling with a specific kind of problem, you can improve by working on solving additional problems. For example, you can start with topics of the same type and move up in difficulty as you become more comfortable finding the solutions.
  8. Apply Maths to Real Life: Think of real-world examples involving maths, such as shopping, banking, job sector and many more and try to perform the required calculations. For a start, you can begin with simple addition and subtraction.
  9. Study Online: To improve your maths, you can study online. It is one of the best options to practice what you need. You can take video lessons by joining an interactive e-learning website that will assist you in dealing with the mathematical concepts you’re studying in your class or are keen to learn. You’ll also find quizzes and tests to practice.

Two persons exchanging US dollars

Use Maths in Everyday Life

We frequently use math concepts in all work. Be a cook, mechanic, shopkeeper, engineer, scientist, musician, magician, gardener or doctor, artist, or tailor; everyone needs math daily. Math helps us do many critical things in our everyday lives. Some examples of the daily tasks that involve math in daily life are:

  • Balancing the chequebook.
  • Cooking
  • loans purposes for trucks, schooling, cars, homes, or other
  • Understanding sports being team statistics and a player.
  • Sewing clothes
  • Managing money.
  • Shopping for the best price or discounts
  • Telling time,
  • Playing music.
  • Home decorating.
  • Gardening and landscaping
  • For driving -distance miles
  • Cost for travel.


Break Down The Complex Problems

The best way to solve a complex problem is never to make a complex solution. Try to make it simple. Instead, try to break a complex issue into smaller ones and try to resolve them one after the other. Below given is a brief overview of the entire process you should follow whenever you come across a complex problem or calculation:

  1. Understand the problem: We need to understand the problem first. Then find answers.
  2. Apart things: Apart from the problem serially and solve them accordingly.
  3. Make a sub-problem: Break the main problem into sub-problems. Maintain the chain or collect the result.
  4. Find the experienced one: Find the experienced one who has dealt with it previously.
  5. Try different solutions: Please try it differently, and sort out different rules.
  6. Trial: Keep trying until you find the answers.

Math Techniques

Accelerate your career with new math techniques and get yourself registered with the online Math Techniques course

Start with The Basic Maths Skills

If you want to get better in maths, starting with the very basic concepts become essential for you. As it is easier to learn fundamentals and with this understanding the complex once becomes an easy task. The practice of basic skills can be started like –

  • arranging numbers
  • ascending or descending order
  • comparing numbers
  • adding
  • subtracting numbers
  • comparing
  • ordering

Possessing good mathematical abilities will benefit you not just in your studies but also in your everyday life. Putting numbers will help your child develop number sense and build a solid maths foundation.

So, to begin with a basic maths, you can analyse-

  1. Calculations involving numbers, sizes, and other measures are considered basic maths skills. You know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide simple numbers. So it’s essential to solve maths by understanding these four operations.
  2. Decimals are a component of an entire number, though fractions are the numerical representation of the decimal. When introducing fractions, it’s essential to start with lower numbers like 1/4 and follow the ratios (1:4, 1:25). It is an excellent way to improve arithmetic abilities. Also, learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
  3. The percentage is a component of the whole or a certain amount per 100. It is used to figure out the discount, nutrition value, Computing sales tax, the interest rate in bank savings, etc.
  4. Numbers are commonly presented in various ways in maths. For example, you need basic arithmetic skills to read and interpret trends. It helps to grasp underlying data better and analyse the trend line, data points, and axes. In addition, it can assist you in creating graphs and charts.
  5. Start to break down complex problems. Try an easy way to solve it. But you have to maintain the procedure correctly. You need to identify conceptual frameworks, isolate them, and practice solving. Try to use the more straightforward method from the beginning. Once you’ve mastered finding the unknown, you’ll know how to discover an unknown variable using right angles, supplementary angles, and complementary angles.

So, if you want to improve in math, start by learning the above-mentioned basic skills. This will make learning math easier and more effective. At this stage, taking a course on Functional Skills Entry Level 1 Maths can be helpful in the sense that it uses simple explanations and examples to teach the basics, giving you a strong foundation and boosting your confidence.

a child is showing a non-scientific calculator standing in the background with scientific symbols

Make Sure You Understand The Topic Before Moving on to Another

All math courses are taught in a specific sequence because every topic builds on the previous issue. So if you face a problem with your last topic, continue working with one until you understand it. You do not turn it in before finishing that. If you do so, you will get even more frustrated and will begin to give up hope.

When it comes to maths, you have to practice thoroughly. All maths courses follow an order since each topic builds on the preceding next. Don’t skip work on it until you solve it correctly. Later it might hamper your progress. Here you can-

  • Maintain a workbook to note
  • Follow the synchronisation before the study.
  • Sort out previous rules and turn
  • Watch video tutorials thoroughly.
  • Attend maths discussions properly.
  • Practice more and more the sample exercises.
  • Purchase a set of books which consists of other techniques of problem-solving.


Colorful numbers placed on different shelves


Understand The Importance of Number Sense

Many people prefer to memorise maths to the concept. For this reason, they are unable to learn the multiplication table. But when you have anxiety about an exam, it is possible to forget anything before memorising. It is advantageous to have a solid knowledge of number sense. Such as,

  • you can use 10×3 to comprehend what 5×6
  • subtracting 6 from 40 will lead you to 44
  • Add 20 with 4 will lead you to 24

If you develop a good number sense, you can use that skill to make more straightforward computations. For example, helps to gain confidence in approaching other scenarios of the exact nature. For example, you can identify an answer with good number sense and establish solutions before using computation.

Have To Practice Consistent

To get better at maths, you need to practice consistently. The more you practice, the more you learn. So if you want to maintain consistency, you have to:

  • Practice thoroughly
  • Use your maths skills as often as possible
  • Spend some time-solving maths problems each day.

If you have any trouble with maths at school, you can get extra help by talking to a teacher. Finding free online tutoring sites or taking practical maths training courses. Even maths tutors can give you tips to break down complex equations and show you how to solve problems.

a notebook containing daily routine with colorful notes, pens in the background


Maintain A Regular Routine

You have to maintain a proper routine for solving problems and mastering the concept. This routine helps to learn maths correctly and in a systematic way. Maintaining a notebook, writing daily targets or problems to solve, and keeping track of daily records are always considered the best daily procedure.

If you get into a good routine with your maths learning, you’ll not have to worry about repeating the same problem repeatedly because you have already mastered it. Instead, you’d notice patterns and trends as you repeat specific issues.

Focus On Understanding New Concepts

For instance, taking an online course on Entry Level 3 Maths Functional Skills can help you get better at math by teaching you the basics in a simple way. It breaks down math into easy steps and lets you practice. With this course, you can build your math skills and feel more confident in your abilities.

When you complete the previous one, turn to the next. New concepts help you gather new knowledge and technique. It will help to become more efficient in maths.

Also, pay attention in classes or maths tutorials and look for the most straightforward mathematical methods and formulas to help your studies. It’s also highly recommended to spend time practising maths problems offered by your professor before finishing any assignments. Learning this will allow you to comprehend what you’ve learned fully.

Practice Maths Test Online

Online practice tests can assist in creating confidence in a person. Many e-learning platforms help you to practice and learn math. Even you can get many certificates after finishing the course. Some examples, of course-

  • Functional Skills Maths Level 1 Qualification
  • Real Estate License Exam Math
  • Math Techniques and many more.

This diverse collection of online math quizzes can improve your skills in crucial math topics, such as -addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals and statistics. You can also review concepts with the online time-bound tests that are randomised from a pool of questions. Along with this, hassle-free evaluation saves your precious time and presents the improvement also.

A man writing maths formulas and a graph showing upwards movement


Practice Mental Math

Mental calculation performance gives considerable advantages in many situations. For example,

  • mental arithmetic can improve one’s brainpower.
  • Quantifying the environment around you
  • Helps to improve logical and intuitive thinking.
  • Strengthening your foundation mental calculations

You gain a deeper understanding of more complex concepts. Such as, calculating how much to tip a waiter at a restaurant is a simple arithmetic issue. But many individuals cannot do this without using a calculator. With your trained brain able to answer simple maths problems, you can save time in circumstances such as these.

Though Mental maths is different from memorising mathematical information or multiplication tables, it makes it easy to remember the foundation of solutions to elementary maths problems. But executing in your brain takes both learned –

  • knowledge
  • manipulation of numbers
  • operations.

It combines ability and memory that enables you to solve far more complicated problems. Unfortunately, even it can be solved with readily memorised knowledge.


Maths is a tool to make our life easier. It’s time to understand the importance of the subject and enjoy its beauty. Once you start to enjoy the fragrance, no one can stop you from getting better at maths. Believe in yourself and keep practising to get better at maths. It is not a tuff journey but a process of patience.

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