Teaching and Education

The Benefits of Short, Focused Learning Sessions in Modern Education

Abu Sayed Naiem
Abu Sayed Naiem

A great way to organize high school class periods is by using 30-minute blocks. These shorter sessions offer numerous benefits and enhance the overall school experience. Here are some key advantages of shorter class periods.

The Benefits of Short, Focused Learning Sessions in Modern Education

1 More Comfortable Environment

Shortening classes to 30 minutes offers a great benefit by creating a more focused and calm learning environment for students and teachers. Students tend to stay engaged and less distracted during the shorter class periods, which enhances their ability to learn. This also means teachers spend less time managing distractions and more time teaching effectively.

2 Greater Coverage of Topics

When classes are divided into shorter periods, students can explore more subjects each school day. This variety makes school more engaging and enjoyable. Boredom is an inevitable state of a student when spending a long time in one lesson and working with the same or similar tasks.

By reducing the time on one topic and increasing their number, students can get a broader education and it will be easier for them to find their own interests, and in the future – to choose a more suitable career.

You can compare it with the ability to read free novels online of different authors and topics. When you get tired of detectives, you choose novels, fantasy novels or historical events on FictionMe. A huge number of free novels online allows you to dilute boredom and expand your coverage.

It’s the same as with short lectures or lessons. A long analysis of one topic often causes mental fatigue and loss of focus, but more frequent change of subjects can help with this.

3 Help Repeat Material More Often

Shorter class periods allow students to dedicate more time to studying and reviewing what they learned. This is crucial for reinforcing their understanding.

4 Increases Student Engagement

Microlectures cater to the typical student’s attention span more effectively than traditional 45-minute instructional videos. Research shows that shorter tutorials boost learning engagement. At the same time, statistics show that long lessons are associated with a significant decrease in engagement.

Microlectures, short and interactive lessons can compensate for the decline in interest in the subject. Moreover, the brevity of the lesson will not affect the content of the entire course of study.

5 Better Student Performance

Students can excel in shorter class periods because they remain focused and engaged, leading to better performance on assignments and tests. This focus results in higher grades and contributes significantly to their academic success.

Using the same example with reading novels online, think about where you can better remember all the details of the plot: during a short session (30 minutes) or during a long reading (more than 45 minutes). You can even conduct such an experiment, install FictionMe – novels for IOS and check.

Why does this happen? Focus tends to blur. Usually a person can focus on something bad, on the same IOS novels – only – 15 minutes. This is the period of maximum focus on novels, training material or something else. It is not about novels online or a book, it is about a gradual decrease in focus.

6 More Time For Communication

Shorter class blocks create more opportunities for one-on-one learning during study periods. This ensures that students who need extra help receive it, enabling them to excel. It also encourages all students to feel comfortable asking questions about their assignments.

7 This Involves More Active Approaches to Learning

Short learning sessions are interactive videos that incorporate active learning techniques. Unlike traditional instructional videos that rely on a delivery-focused approach, short learning sessions use constructivist methods to help students confront misconceptions and integrate new information with their existing knowledge and experiences. This process supports the reconstruction of mental models based on more accurate understandings.

Research shows that online students learn more effectively when they interact and participate actively. Active learning approaches have been empirically proven to enhance student performance significantly. For instance, failure rates are 55% higher in traditional learning environments compared to those using active learning methods. Additionally, active learning has a considerable positive impact on female students, effectively eliminating the gender gap in performance.

8 The Role of Notes Increases

Encourage students to pause for one to two minutes periodically to take notes in a skeletal outline of what they’ve just learned. These notes allow them to quickly recall the gist of the lecture and the main ideas. Since there will be fewer key ideas and tasks in a short class lesson, this will be easier to do, and the effectiveness of homework will be increased.


Empirical studies have shown that active learning approaches combined with shorter learning sessions can significantly enhance student performance. Additionally, current education technologies support the creation of short learning sessions. This combination of active learning and short sessions holds great promise.

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Abu Sayed Naiem